Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Day 1 - The Beginning 4-09-07

Nathan (289 lbs.) and I (273 lbs.) have begun our journey to "Thin-ness". We have lived life in the "Fat Lane" too long and now we're doing something about it! Our goal is simple - to lose weight. While Nathan and I are in competition to lose the most weight before June 30, 2007, the day before we leave for vacation, we are going to do what we can to help each other.

On yet another plane, Paw Mangold, is also on a diet. His plan is the same as mine. We are both doing Seattle Sutton's Healthy Eating - We'll call it SSHE for short. I started last night (4/9/07) and Paw started almost 2 weeks ago.

Together the 3 Losers will in fact be just that, losers of the most dreadful and terrible of all human imperfections - Fat. We're doing this so we look and feel better about ourselves and so we can have a better quality of life and hopefully a longer life as well.

This blog will be an attempt to track our success. Nathan and I (RD 2.0) took our before pictures yesterday and will use the same clothes to track our success on a regular basis. We'll see if we can get Paw Mangold to take some pics as well. If not I have some that might keep him motivated. I might add here too that this is the 1-year anniversary of Paw Mangold's heart attack. We're praying above all, that this diet plan will be the catalyst to better living for Paw so this NEVER happens again!

So here's to success!
RD 2.0

(See "Before" pics on our "Pics Page")

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